Top 7 Questions To Expect At A Job Interview

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Every interviewer has a different approach to conducting job interviews and their questions may differ. Nevertheless, there are certain questions that often reoccur at every job interview, the wording may be different, but the basics will always be the same.

We have narrowed down the most commonly asked questions to help you get prepared for that next job interview!

Here is what you should expect:

  1. Tell me about yourself?

This is the most commonly asked interview question and is usually the first. You might think this is a very easy question to answer, many job seekers still find themselves stuttering when faced with this.

When the interviewer asks you this question, here is what he/she wants to know:

  • Details about your career
  • Your educational background
  • Your previous and current work experiences

This is not an avenue for you to give your life history, it is an opportunity for you to give relevant details about your professional career. Keep it short and precise.

  1. What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses?

When listing your strengths, your answer should be in coherence with the job description and the soft skills required for the role you are applying for. Describe the key skills and abilities that will make you successful on the job.

You don’t want to turn off the employer by giving weaknesses that are detrimental to the job. Everybody has weaknesses, but your answer should focus on the positive, describe how you manage them and how you are working on improving on them.

  1. Why Should I Hire You?

This question provides you the opportunity to convince the interviewer that you are the best person for the job and how you intend to contribute to the growth of the company.

Make sure you research the company and find out areas which need improvement with regards the role you are going to fill. Your answer to this question revolves around your research and the job description.

  1. Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?

Now this question might seem tough to answer especially if you got fired from your previous job. So should you tell the interviewer that you were fired?

If it was a case of retrenchment, be honest and state that you were laid off. But in a case where you were fired, state the reason why and be positive about your answer. Never say negative things about your previous employer, because if you do, the interviewer will see you as a bad fit for the company.

If you left on your own, tell the interviewer that you are looking for an opportunity to grow your career and the position provides you that opportunity. If you are still employed, then your answer should positively address why you plan to leave your current job.

  1. Where Do You See Yourself 5 Years from Now?

When answering this question, show the interviewer how your endeavors would make both you and the company successful in the long run. Indicate your interest to have a long-term career at the company.

  1. What Are Your Salary Expectations?

When it comes to the money question, answering the wrong way might cost you the job. Before the interview, ensure that you research the salary and benefits of similar jobs. Ensure that you show the interviewer your worth before the salary negotiation. You may also consider stating a fair raise from your current/previous job.

  1. Any Question for Me?

When this question comes up during an interview, your answer should never be NO! Ask questions, because in doing so you are showing the interviewer that you’re enthusiastic and have researched the company well.

Your questions should be directed to these specific categories:

  • The role you will be assuming
  • The requirements for the job and
  • The expectations of the job

Aside from these, look up other questions pertaining to the position you are applying for, the company and the industry. It is better to be over prepared than not prepared at all!

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