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A cluttered workspace not only makes you look sloppy but also makes finding things really difficult. It feels like driving through a busy town on a Friday evening when most workers have closed from work and are rushing home.
When last did you see the top of your work desk? Can you effortlessly reach out your hand to get that stamp without cursing under your breath or blaming anyone around for displacing your supplies? No? Then it is time to clean up the muddle! A cluttered space slows down your work rate and productivity so get down to brass tacks and make that office space clutter-free.
Need help going about it? See tips below.
- Evaluate and purge:
On surface glance you will feel those old paper bills, card invitations, flyers, paper documents are important or may still be useful but when you take a closer and long look, you will realize they are just junk stuff filling up your space. Figure out what needs to go into the trash and have them disposed of. Ask yourself when last you made use of them, the answer will help you decide what is worth ditching or not.
- Digitalise:
Phones and computers have made life a lot easier for us. Why pile stacks of paper around when you can convert them into soft documents? Soft documents are a lot easier to manage, preserve and are mobile. Create folders in your PC to house all your important documents that can be converted to soft form.
- House and label your supplies:
Buy quality and large magazine bins that have enough room to carry magazines and books if you do not have a shelf for them. Adopt a good filing system for your documents, create folders and label them, buy drop-in drawers that can carry your paper clips, pens, staplers, perforators, stamps, etc. to avoid wasting time searching for what you need. Place the things you use regularly where you can easily reach them.
- Designate completed and uncompleted tasks:
Have a drawer or section of the desk where pending or in-process tasks are kept and also have a section where completed tasks are filed. Do not jumble everything together on the table so you can stay on top of your most urgent tasks.
- Ditch sticky notes for a to-do notebook:
Get a to-do notebook to jot down every information you need or tasks as they come in. Sticking colour notes all over the table or wall makes the space look too busy and can be very distracting. Rather, write every information you need to work on or remember into a go-to notebook and check-in on it every 30 minutes to be reminded of the things you need to do.
Bonus Point: Every day at the close of work, ensure everything is back in their proper position so you do not arrive work the following morning to find a littered table.