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Dear HR Manager, how often do you send motivational emails to employees?
Every company looks towards progressing, becoming more successful and recognized in the market; reason employees are encouraged to put in their best to the work they do. However, it is very easy to get so carried away and forget workers have intrinsic needs too.
Asides ensuring an upbeat performance and increased productivity, it is the responsibility of the HR team to keep the workers motivated and happy at work. One way to do this is by sending motivational letters. These are letters that express appreciation and gratitude to the workers for their contribution to workplace success. It could come in the form of texts or Infographics which are sent through emails on at the beginning of a work week or in the middle of work days especially when work gets tedious.
This is very cost-effective, you don’t have to spend a dime on it. When you send employees motivational emails, you achieve the following:
- A strong workforce:
Motivational emails assure the workers that indeed the company sees and recognizes the hard work and effort they put into achieving organizational goals daily. It shows their work is appreciated and put to good use. This intrinsic motivation keeps the workforce happy, and always ready to take up new tasks and challenges as they come.
- A stress-free working environment:
Motivational emails in the form of infographics should come with funny smileys or memes that makes workers giggle or laugh to relieve them of the stress of a hard day’s work especially if their tasks get increasingly repetitive and monotonous. It makes the workers feel relaxed and reduces the risk of stress-related or other health issues.
- A progressive atmosphere:
When all hands are on deck, the company cannot help but grow in leaps as everyone is excited at the prospects of new growth. Motivational emails enhance a sense of pride and responsibility which fosters a shared understanding and teamwork without the company having to force the workers to do their jobs.
- A clear communication bridge:
Motivational emails keep a smooth communication balance in the workplace where the workers feel at ease to share their concerns, challenges or ideas with co-workers or superior officers. It creates a culture of shared enthusiasm to see work as a team.
- A more focused and goal-oriented workforce:
Motivational emails often remind the workers of the progress they have made so far, what has been achieved and what needs to be done. This keeps the workers focused on the next project or task at hand.
- Keep it short and simple so it doesn’t look like another long boring work mail.
- Make use of graphics and colorful fonts for the funny effects
- Use infographics