Frustrated With the Endless Quest For a Job? Here’s How to Stay Motivated

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Imagine sending in several applications every day that goes by. Checking your inbox like a million times yet not even a single email saying “Congratulations you got the job”

Sure! Your motivation will definitely bottom out with the whole hunting experience.

The time lapse between when you job-hunt and when you actually land a good job can be very unpredictable and depressing.  A couple of rejections here and there may get to you if you don’t stay on your guard.

We understand that looking for a job is not an easy feat. Therefore, asides posting available job openings, we have put together a few tips to help prevent your search from wearing you out. Read up.

Brace up

You will not get a call back for every application you send out, nor be offered a job for every interview you attend. This can be very depressing and ego-bruising but do not let it kill your morale. It is part of the progress and it sure makes an interesting part of the success story. Getting turned down can be tough but learn how to handle rejection and keep in mind that every ‘no’ gets you closer to a ‘yes’.

Believe in yourself

Believing in your capabilities and skills is the best thing you can do for yourself. The job hunting process means you’re selling yourself and the skills you offer therefore if you do not believe in what you are selling, a prospective employer will find it difficult believing in you.

Give yourself time

Getting a job may not happen overnight even if you believe in miracles. Take a realistic approach to your job hunt. Do not be too hard on yourself, take time to craft a CV that will easily stand out from thousands, a cover letter that portrays your full abilities, and know that it takes time to seek out openings that are a right fit or even land a great job though not altogether impossible. Step back from time to time to avoid burnout.

Don’t stay idle

Staying idle and focusing your entire time on the job search may be depressing especially when the expected results are not forthcoming. Engage your time productively learning skills you lack, sharpening the ones you already have, volunteering, exercising regularly, eating good food and staying fit.

Enjoy the process

Don’t just look out for the outcome.  The job hunt process exposes you to a lot of people and experiences, engross yourself in the process and learn all you can to help make you a better fit. Use it as a time for self-development, to reassess yourself, your career goals and sharpen your focus while keeping an optimistic mindset.

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