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Just as in every other industry, recruiting qualified candidates is very crucial for the oil & gas, and maritime industry; as the success of the business depends heavily on the ability of employees to perform their jobs efficiently.

There has been a lot of buzz about employers not creating opportunities for seafarers. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure you are not your own problem. You must make yourself hirable! When recruiters fill a position they look out for candidates that meet up with the criteria for the role. If you lack these essentials, you are automatically disqualified from the process.

Here are 2 important things we look out for when hiring candidates for sea jobs:

  1. A Refined CV

Just as we have mentioned in earlier posts, CV is one thing seafarers neglect a lot.

Having a well detailed CV showcasing your expertise and capabilities to do the job is very important. Remember you have to stand out from the rest, so represent yourself in the best way possible.

  1. Complete Documents

It is very important for seafarers to be qualified and have official documents to work at sea e.g STCW etc. Aside having mandatory documents required to work onboard, most roles may require you have some certain type of documents for a particular type of vessel. For example: Arion Energy Services crews oil tankers for its clients. In this case we expect the candidates who apply for positions on oil tankers to have Oil Tanker Familiarization (OTF) and/or documents that show experience on the type of vessel specified.

Also, each job role has different documents/certifications required for it. To secure the job, you must meet up with the requirements.

It has become common to find candidates who falsify documents, fake age declaration or bring forward discharge booklets with fake stamps on them. We have skilled recruiters who are specialized in these areas, they would definitely find out. Take your time and get all the documents ready and come correct. Do not lie about your application and do not stamp a vessel you have never worked on.

Your discharge book should have the following fields and must be duly completed:

  • Sign on/Sign Off dates must be clearly written on the discharge
  • Name of ship, official number and gross tonnage must be clearly shown
  • Rating
  • Description of voyage
  • Copy of Report of Character must be filled
  • Shipping master and signature
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